Landing Page Optimization for Event Marketers & Sports Teams

Landing page optimization is focused on improving conversions on your website. Considering the intent of the person visiting your website & making sure you provide the best experience possible is key.

1. Narrow your focus / Limit Calls to Action:

Simplifying your message is often times the best thing you can to do optimize your website. Many teams want to include every possible ticket package, an e-mail signup, and a link to subscribe to your .ical feed. Narrow your focus on internal pages to one specific call to action & you won’t burden your visitors with decision fatigue.

2. Have One Clear Call To Action on each page:

If you can’t find a link to your schedule and/or tickets above the fold on your homepage on a mobile device then you have some work to do. Every single page should have a written goal & KPI that you measure. Forcing yourself to consider why you are publishing content may prevent you from creating thin content & pages that have no purpose. Typically, those pages are the result of an owner asking for something that you know has no real value to the consumer. Push back & try to keep your website simple.

landing-page.png (from What is a Landing Page on

3. Event Detail Pages

A cornerstone of digital marketing is matching the purpose of the landing page to the context of the click. Meaning, if you run a digital ad campaign promoting a specific game you need to send your traffic to a page ABOUT THAT SPECIFIC GAME.

Your Event Detail Pages (EDP) are where the magic happens. People have decided which game they are interested in & now it’s time to convert. Each game needs their own landing page that delivers information on promotions, ticketing, specials, and other game-day information. Reduce the number of clicks to a conversion by adding ticketing links to the game they are exploring, not your team’s main page on the ticketing provider’s website.

Additionally, having traffic go to these internal pages gives you an opportunity to retarget audiences in a very granular way.


4. Prioritize your top performing Calls To Action

Watch your statistics & follow the clicks/conversions. If you have a Family 4-Pack offer near the bottom of your page that performs better than the link for information about Season Tickets then move that Family 4-Pack offer up above the fold. It doesn’t matter what YOU want, it’s all about improving conversions. You will have much better luck pouring gasoline on a fire than you will trying to ignite interest in something that isn’t converting.

5. Limit form fields

Any time you have a form on your website you need to stop and think about what fields are really important to you. Every extra bit of information you ask for reduces conversion rates on form submissions. If you can, try to limit your fields to 2-3 fields max. Also, consider what message / thank you page pops up. Don’t just say ‘thank you for your submission’. Give them a next step for that particular inquiry.

6. Offer value when asking for contact information

No one wants to fill out your form for more information. Don’t get lazy at the end here.. You have done the hard work of getting traffic to your site. Your landing page was relevant & they want to move on to the next step. What could you offer them that entices them to fill out the form? Try something like this:

  • Reserve your spot today
  • Learn more about raising funds for your organization
  • Download our free guide to organizing a group outing

7. Make sure your website is responsive with a mobile first design

Nearly 75% of your traffic is coming from a mobile device, so your website should be built for mobile devices first desktop second. See if your website passes Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.

8. Your website needs to load quickly

The goal is 400ms or less. You can check the speed of your site here.

Refining your mousetrap is the single best thing you can do in your digital marketing efforts. When thinking of your sales process as a funnel, your landing page is where conversions happen. If you spend all your time generating traffic to a landing page that isn’t optimized you are wasting your time and money.

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