Event Marketing Guide

This guide is intended for event marketers that are focused on selling tickets for events in Clubs, Theaters, Amphitheaters, Arenas, and Stadiums. Event marketers are unique because every event has a unique target audience, so your strategy changes from event to event. Budgets are often slim, so it is imperative that you don’t waste a penny.

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Artist Research

Event Marketers that have a deep understanding of both booking and marketing events can help talent buyers make informed decisions when it comes to drafting an offer.

When doing market research for a potential show you would traditionally reach out to your friends at local radio stations, alternative weeklies, and maybe the local record store (it’s probably been a few years since this was your go to strategy). 

In addition, You can find a lot of valuable information online by researching Pollstar, local Spotify streams, YouTube views, Billboard charts, etc.. 

The articles below explain how you can use a few of the resources available to you to do some simple market research.

How To Use Pollstar For Artist Research

Follow these simple steps to get a good gauge on how popular an artist is in your market.

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How To Use Spotify For Artist Research

Knowing how many Spotify users listen to an artist can be very valuable. Follow these simple steps to get a good gauge on how popular an artist is in your market.

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How To Use Facebook For Artist Research

Knowing how many Facebook users like an artist can be very valuable, especially when booking emerging artists. Follow these simple steps to get a good gauge on how popular an artist is in your market.

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How To Use Bandsintown For Artist Research

This guide walks you through how to use Bandsintown to gather information you can use when creating offers for artists to perform in your market.

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When Do People Buy Tickets?

If you have been in the live event business for a significant amount of time you have likely found yourself in one of the following familiar situations:

  • You had a great on-sale, but ticket sales have flatlined. Your event is still 2 months out & the tour marketing person on the phone is asking you to spend some money on radio right now to “give ticket sales a jumpstart”.
  • Your team is nervous after seeing weeks of slow daily counts. They ask if Groupon is a good idea to help move tickets.
  • The tour manager is advancing the show & asks if there are any plans to paper the event. She wants the room to “look good” for the artist because they are really sensitive about playing to an empty room.

When Do People Buy Tickets

As an event marketing professional you can help ease anxiety (or know when to start talking about reductions) by understanding the ticket sales curve.

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Advertising Plan Template

Before you even think about announcing your show you need a plan. Download our free AdPlan Template to help you organize your advertising campaign. Simply enter your show information & determine which mediums you will use for your on-sale, maintenance, and closeout periods. The spreadsheet will automatically fill in date ranges & tally your budget allocation during each time period.

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Pixels & Tracking

Before you start sending potential ticket buyers to your website you need to make sure you have all the proper tracking pixels loaded. A Pixel is a piece of code for your website that lets you measure, optimize and build audiences for your ad campaigns.

Why Use Tracking Pixels:

  • Conversion Tracking
  • Optimize Ad Campaigns
  • Cross-Device Tracking
  • Create Custom Audiences From Website Visitors
  • Learn About Your Website Traffic

How To Install Google Analytics

Follow these steps to set up a Google Analytics Property on your website.

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How To Set Up Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Follow these steps to set up Google Ads Conversion Tracking on your website.

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What Is a Facebook Pixel and How to Use It

Follow these steps to install Facebook Pixel, a piece of code for your website that lets you measure, optimize and build audiences for your ad campaigns.

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What Is a Twitter Pixel and How to install It

Follow these steps to install Twitter Pixel.

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What Is a LinkedIn Insight Tag and How to install It

Follow these steps to install LinkedIn Insight Tag.

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What Is a Snapchat Pixel and How to install It

Follow these steps to install a Snap Pixel.

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What Is a TikTok Pixel and How to install It

Follow these steps to install a TikTok Pixel.

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Ticketmaster Came From Codes

Ticketmaster Came From Codes allow you to track clicks & conversions that occur when using specific URLs.

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Event Ticket Seller Certification on Google

In an effort to provide more transparency, Google implemented a policy requiring that advertisers that sell tickets become certified. This guide walks you through that process.

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Event Publicity & Media Relations

Event marketers sometimes forget that they have one of the coolest jobs on the planet. Developing strong relationships with local news producers, editors, on-air talent, and journalists is pretty natural when you are constantly inviting them to fun events. Nevertheless, Garnering publicity for your event by way of the media is something you need to invest time into.

Event Publicity & Media Relations

This guide is meant to help event marketers navigate publicity and media relations for their events.

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TV Advertising For Events

Event marketers are experts at stretching a dollar to reach a niche audience. However, Sometimes you find yourself marketing an event with mass appeal that requires you to swing for the fences. Even when you have a substantial budget for an Arena event, Amphitheater show, or music festival you likely have a hard time putting together a TV schedule that has any substantial frequency.

An Event Marketers Guide to TV Advertising

This guide is meant to help event marketers determine if a TV schedule makes sense & how to go about getting the most out of your budget.

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Hulu Advertising

90% of 13-54 year olds in the United States watch TV on a streaming platform. 3 out of 4 primarily stream, so advertising on linear TV alone isn’t going to cut it.

An Introduction To Hulu Ads

After reading this post you should have a pretty good handle on how to reach your audience on Hulu.

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Radio Advertising For Events

Event Marketers have a very unique challenge to find the right advertising channels to reach a very specific audience. It’s not as simple as purchasing a demographic, like so many advertising agencies do. You are after a fan that listens to a particular artist or a fan of a particular type of entertainment. Radio can be one of your most effective mediums to reach a big chunk of your audience at once.

An Event Marketers Guide to Radio Advertising

This guide is meant to help event marketers make the most of your radio budget.

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Spotify Advertising

Radio offers a few curated formats that can help reach big chunks of people at once, but there is never a guarantee that every listener has heard of the artist you are trying to promote. That’s where Spotify Ad Studio comes in.

An Introduction To Spotify Ads

This guide will walk you through how to reach your audience on Spotify.

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Social Media Management For Events

Social Media has become an enormous topic. All event marketers agree that social media is important, but sometimes the sheer volume of tasks (on top of everything else you are responsible for) can be overwhelming.

Social Media Management: 10 Tips For Event Marketers

These 10 tips should provide some guidance to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

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Email Marketing For Events

Event marketers spend their entire day trying to target a very specific audience. While there are new ways to reach your audience via digital marketing, email marketing is still one of the most impactful. This guide will help explain why email marketing is one of the most effective ways of connecting with your audience, and how you can create simple campaigns that engage with them.

Email Marketing For Events

This guide will help explain why email marketing is one of the most effective ways of connecting with your audience, and how you can create simple campaigns that engage with them.

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Display Advertising For Events

You see display advertising every day. In fact, most people see at least 60 display ads each day on average. After reading this post you should have a pretty solid understanding of what display advertising is, where you can advertise, and who you can reach.

An Introduction To Display Advertising

Learn how Display Advertising can help reach your audience. Reach 90% of the internet on over 2 million websites and apps with banner ads, images, and video.

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Social Media Marketing For Events

Event marketers have a difficult job. Every event has a different target audience, so you can’t simply copy & paste targeting methods as so many marketers do. Luckily, many ad campaigns for live events follow the same basic rhythm. These guides will give you an introduction to the major social media networks & how you can create custom audiences on each. Download our Event Marketing Guide for specific advice for event marketers.

Facebook Business Manager

Facebook Business Manager allows you to manage your Pages, Ad Accounts, Pixels, and more in one place.

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How To Create A Custom Audience on Facebook

Targeting ads to very specific audiences should be a cornerstone of your digital marketing plan. This guide walks you through creating custom audiences on Facebook.

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An Introduction To Facebook Ads

This guide will walk you through setting up an account & gives you a brief introduction to Facebook Ads Manager.

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An Introduction To YouTube Ads

After reading this post you should have a pretty solid understanding of what YouTube ads look like & how you can target your audience on their platform.

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An Introduction To Twitter Ads

This post gives you an intro to Twitter ads & walks you through how you can target your audience on their platform.

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An Introduction To Snapchat Ads

Learn how to use Snapchat ads to target your audience on their platform for as little as $5 a day.

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How To Create A Custom Audience on Snapchat

This guide walks you through how to create custom audiences on Snapchat.

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An Introduction To TikTok Ads

After reading this post you should have a good understanding of what TikTok ads look like & how you can target your audience on their platform for as little as $20/day.

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An Introduction To LinkedIn Ads

This post is an intro to LinkedIn ads & how you can target your audience on their platform.

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Guerrilla Marketing For Events

You’ve placed all of your ad campaigns, proofed your e-mail blast, double checked your online event listings, and scheduled your posts on social media. Now’s time to sit back & wait for sales, right?

Nope! Now is the time to shut your computer & hit the streets. So many marketers have consumed themselves with digital advertising & forgot that people work, play, and live in the real world! Now is the time to implement some basic old-school marketing tactics that have worked for event marketers for decades.

Guerrilla Marketing For Events

Here's a list of 10 old-school guerrilla marketing tactics that have worked for event marketers for decades.

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